May I present to you the most appropriate birthday cake ever made for yours truly:
I’ve never been big on bday celebrations, but my friends & bf certainly know the way to my heart. I started this blog years ago to vent out my I-will-never-fit-in style woes and was originally meant to be kept on the down-low. At the risk of sounding corny, it’s now a very important part of me (despite scarce posting) and I’m happy to know that everyone close to me is okay with my absurd fascination for all things fashion. ♥
I leave you with a very casual birthday outfit from last Saturday.
Shorts: F21, gift from momma, Clutch: Aldo (obviously on sale), Booties: random mall shop, Pin: c/o MonkeyJam (two Honduran kids doin’ business in NY, love them!), Tights: Pretty Polly.
Next up: more thrifting tips and a short & easy DIY !