
The Kate Moss Sweater

November 12, 2009
I will never be able to give a reasonable explanation about why  I fell in love with this old v-neck sweater. It called my name…and getting it was not a difficult task at all, I found it at a thrift store for about 10 lempiras (not even 1 dollar1). It’s reeeally old, a hideous green color and had tiny holes all over. I brought it home and performed some serious snipping.

If I were Kate Moss I’d probably wear it bra-less around the house.


But I’m not, so I threw it over a thrifted dress.


It’s love it despity the pity it provokes. MOVING ON…

The photoshoot, as promised! In case there’s any doubt, I am not a model. I suck terribly. I trip on my own feet. I get tense and start dancing like a geek when the camera gets me nervous. I don’t possess that je ne sais quoi that could possibly make up for the fact that I’m 5’2, MAYBE 3. But a friend was opening a store and asked me to do it for the store’s catalogue, and in Honduras it would be the closest thing to a designer boutique so I said HECK YEAH. I’ll do it. I’ll try hard not to make a fool out of myself.

outfitshootRollers are sexy, okay.

Then I met the other two models, Irlia and Natasha. Their legs were half mine’s thickness and twice mine’s length.


I tried my best and the photographer was pretty cool, quite the pro. He totally laughed in my face when I stained my front teeth in black lipstick and that just made him awesomer!  Then his gorgeous model girlfriend showed up. She surprised me with a deep, raspy voice that did nothing but add to her cool factor. The girl basically TOWERED over me so I tried to stay a couple of feet away from her to avoid feeling like a midget.

Over all, it was an awesome experience. My hair reached heights I thought it never could and my lips looked shapier that I thought they ever would. I’ll post the actual pics as soon as I get the catalogue in my hands. ‘Til later lovely people!


Fashion Week Honduras ’09

October 30, 2009

Honduras Fashion Week was fun! Take this in consideration, though: A. The activities I usually dress up for consist of soccer games, fruit shopping, church, or deposit archiving and B. in Honduras, Fashion related events don’t just pop out of every corner.


I also must add that to my very much embarrassment, even if my agenda was to be crowded with events, I wasn’t exactly born with God-granted socialising skills and I’d end up staying home anyway. There. I said it. Now let’s move on to the good & the bad of FW, and my latest sewing projects.

FW Attendees.

I really don’t mean to start this on a negative note but, where were the risk-taking people?! Not like I was expecting to see the outrageous McQueen “armadillo” heels or Rodarte dresses but I was definitely expecting a bit more pluckiness…perhaps asymmetrical hemlines? Shoes that weren’t classic black pumps? At least? Anybody?


However, I did like these girls PLENTY. Electric blue + elegant shoulder pads + a superbly exposed back + vintage jewelry. And you know how I feel about vintage jewelery! Two best dressed girls of the night in my book! I believe the white shirt is from Zara. A few boys rocked my boat as well, but no pics. Whoops!

As for the shows, my fave collection was Tirso Rubio‘s.


In my opinion, his collection was the most cohesive. He sews all of his clothes HIMSELF and word on the street is he buys scraps of fabric, lives downtown, and went to school with who is now his muse…I’m in love! Not that I underestimate designers who don’t know how to sew or patternmake, but I definitely have a thing for those who are also craftsmen. HANDS ON all the way!

Muzzy Kafati SS10. Alot of cocktail & evening dresses. I’m pretty sure most girls in Honduras would wear them.


About 50%of the designers who presented shows were teenagers/early twenties, with the help of daddy’s trust fund. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

 Carlos Campos also presented his collection, but rather than looking at my terrible pictures here’s his site with the professional ones from his NY FashionWeek show. I absolutely love him! Same with Mr.Miguel ChongAnd for all others here’s the official site: Fashion Week Honduras


Honduras has plenty of artistic talent, so why on Earth would we have to imitate the big leagues? The Estilo + FW09 t-shirt (Estilo is a national magazine):

fashion-week-tshirtRing a bell?

Change of subject, please!
A personal FW highlight: I got to hang out with Marjee from La Joie de Vivre! How cool is it to find someone you can have a conversation with that includes referencing Ann Demeulemeester and “last season Chloé”?! In my case, priceless!
I look angry, but I was only hiding the excitement!

Latest sewing projects.

All pictures of me from the show are hideously unflattering, but here’s one from one of the nights. I made the dress from scratch…pattern and all. One sleeve only, gathers all over, a mustard-like color.

fashion-week-honduras-dressNecklace: vintage. Tights: Zara. (Can you believe there’s not one, but two Zara stores in Honduras?!)

I’ve been looking for tailors around my town that I can work with and learn from, and I found a sir with good references. I took my drawings and he was so excited (which doubled my own excitement) because he usually only gets hired for wedding gowns & prom dresses. This was the dress I got him to make for me:

fashion-week-honduras-outfitDress: own design. Fauxfur bag: gift cousin got me in Thailand.

The dress looks very simple, but there was actually alot of work put into it due to all the pleating details. And yes, I have a thing for this color right now.  In Tegus, I stayed at my friend Carol’s apartment. She’s currently working on the design of a building, so I’d hang out with her at the contstruction site, in heels and all.

construction-site-outfitTop and chain necklace: Vintage. Skirt: Thrifted. 

Even though I still have trouble feeling comfortable with the “fashion crowd” or with any crowd for that matter, I’m glad there’s a Fashion Week. And even if there’s still a SUPERR long way to go, I’m glad there’s people making clothes. Hoooooray for Honduras and for handmade shtuff.


Living at Grandma’s

October 4, 2009

Boy, oh boy…the things I’ve seen. In the midst of a political crisis and the most outrageous Human Rights violations I have ever seen (seen, as in I’m saying it not because I read it in the newspaper, or because I was brainwashed into believing so) it’s been difficult trying to blog without rambling about the aforementioned. I’ll try. I moved into my grandma’s place! Been living here for about a month now. Not relevant for this “fashion” blog?? Wrong! More than relevant…just wait!

vintage-corset-outfitYSL hot pink lipstick. Vintage handbag and suitcase. $3.00 Earrings from mall stand.

My bedroom is incredible: aqua walls covered in religious art, furniture twice my age, wooden floors so old there’s heel punctures all over. Punctures are my fault, of course. I wake up as in a Virgin Suicide’s set and therefore dress as so. Been wearing plenty of frills, my cream vintage ankle booties and nightgowns for day.


Thrifted belt, corset and high-waisted shorts I fixed up.

However, don’t think it’s all been rainbows and unicorns. It’s quite the challenge dressing up and expecting to get granny’s approval when it comes to what I wear! It bothers her that I wear hats around the house, she’s pulled my hem down more than once and makes remarks like the following: “Oh dear, I’m sure you didn’t actually mean to wear yellow earrings with that“.

Dont’ get me wrong, I’m not complaining! I looove it when she judges me and I admit to changing my outfits more than once just to make my ol’ lady happy.

vintage-living-roomThrifted top and skirt.

 I had also mentioned how I was finally able to get a workplace for sewing and it happens to be in a building a few houses away from grandma’s house, so she occasionally visits and brings delicious pastries with her. YUM. As for my plans, I’ve been sketching, testing a couple of tailors, working on dresses myself…I have plenty of ideas, but I’m not exactly sure where I’m going to be honest. I like clothes, I’m going to makes them. Perhaps sell them. I’m completely okay with having a little bit of suspense in life. We’ll see…keep posted!

EDIT: Honduras reached the World Cup! It’s quite the celebration outside. WOOHOOO!